Letter of Appreciation from the Chongqing Municipal Foreign Affairs Office


Upon the conclusion of the 2024 Chongqing International Sister Cities Cooperation Conference, Sichuan International Studies University (SISU) received a letter of appreciation from the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, in which the Office commended SISU for its contribution to the success of the Conference.

The letter points out that the successful hosting of the conference was due to the concerted efforts of the municipal party committee, government leaders, and robust support from various societal sectors. SISU’s contribution warrants special mentioning. Dong Hongchuan, president of SISU and secretary-general of the Western Land-Sea New Corridor Think Tank Alliance, led a delegation to the conference, during which important cooperation agreements were signed. The university's Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, the School of International Relations, and the Youth League Committee were recognized for their support. A team of SISU students was organized to participate in cultural exchange activities. The students performed a Kazakh dance titled "Flowers", which graces the event with a touch of international festivity.

The university received unanimous praise from foreign city mayors, heads of international organizations, and representatives of renowned enterprises.
