SISU Faculty Participate in AI Education Workshop in Chongqing


From May 24th to 26th, more than 30 faculty members from Sichuan International Studies University attended the AI Education and Teaching Empowerment and Efficiency Workshop, organized by the Chongqing Higher Education Association.

The workshop brought together distinguished experts and scholars from Beijing Normal University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Jiangnan University, Shanghai Normal University, Huazhong Agricultural University, iFLYTEK Co., Ltd., and other leading academic and industry institutions. The focus was on performance management within the "Double First-Class" and "Double High" initiatives. Participants engaged in comprehensive discussions on topics such as case analysis, knowledge graphs, textbook development, laboratory setup, resource library creation, teaching achievement awards, and talent cultivation models within industry-education integration communities. The goal was to enhance faculty teaching innovation and support the reform of educational models in Chongqing universities, thereby improving the quality of talent development.

The training featured six modules: concepts and methods for educational and teaching innovation in the digital-intelligence era; applying AI to teaching innovation; exploring new teaching strategies in the era of generative AI; using knowledge graphs and AI courses to empower teaching reform; AI's role in the digital transformation of higher education and professional development for faculty; and innovative course teaching reforms in the context of artificial intelligence.

Sichuan International Studies University faculty members found the workshop highly beneficial and are eager to apply their new knowledge to their teaching practices.