First Chongqing Guoyuan Port- Vietnam Hanoi Freight TrainDeparts


First Chongqing Guoyuan Port- Vietnam Hanoi Freight TrainDeparts  


OnMarch 26, 2022, the first freight train departed Guoyuan Port, JiangbeiDistrict, Chongqing to Hanoi, Vietnam, marking the launch of a new freight railwayconnecting China and Vietnam. The new route reduces the transportation time fromaround 20 days to 4 or 5 days.

–Thetrain is loaded with 43 containers of goods ranging fromengines, tirestoprinting paper and some other goods. The total worth of the goods is more than3.9 million U.S. dollars. All of the goods are manufactured in Chongqing.

GuoyuanPort is a key logistics hub in China. It is the starting port for someimportant logistics routes such as China - Europe Railway, New Western Land-SeaCorridor, and Yangtze River Golden Waterway. This new freight railway isexpected to inject fresh momentum in the Belt and Road Initiative andfacilitate the trade between Chongqing and ASEAN countries.

It’sreported that the management of the freight railway would work to improve theefficiency and service to meet themarket demand and to achieve sustainable operation.