Symposium on Bildungsroman Theory and German Literature Research Models Held in SISU


On September 16-17, 2023, the School of German Studies at Sichuan International Studies University and the Editorial Department of ‘Journal of German Humanities Research’ jointly held a symposium on “Bildungsroman Theory and German Literature Research Models.”

More than 50 experts and scholars from Peking University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Shanghai International Studies University, Sichuan International Studies University, Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Tübingen, University of Göttingen, and other universities gathered at Sichuan International Studies University. They engaged in extensive discussions on topics related to the historical evolution of the ‘Bildungsroman’ concept, the relationship between ‘Bildungsroman’ and the idea of the individual, and the relationship between the individual and society in the context of ‘Bildungsroman’."

Professor Wu Xiaoqiao from Beihang University and Professor Feng Weiping from Sichuan International Studies University presented their findings at the symposium. Professor Wu discussed the deconstruction of the ‘Bildungsroman’ theme in Theodor Fontane's novel ‘Unwiederbringlich,’ which features a late marriage, while Professor Feng elaborated on the economic elements in ‘Irrungen, Wirrungen.’"

The symposium featured insightful discussions on themes related to the elements of ‘Bildungsroman’ in German novels and dramas. The presentations covered a span of approximately eight hundred years of ‘Bildungsroman’ history, from the 13th century to the 21st century. The topics explored the intersections of ‘Bildungsroman’ with economics, spatial production, psychology, cross-cultural perspectives, and examined how thinkers such as Herder, Kant, Hegel, Schleiermacher, Jaspers, Benjamin, Bloch, and others presented and critiqued the concept of ‘Bildung’ in their respective works."

Professor Zhu Chaowei, a standing committee member of the Party Committee and Vice President of Sichuan International Studies University, and Professor Wang Bingjun, the Editor-in-Chief of ‘German Humanistic Studies,’ delivered the opening remarks.

Vice President Zhu Chaowei delivering his opening remarks

A group photo of attendees at the symposium