President Dong Hongchuan Inspects Summer Renovation Projects


To oversee and assess the progress of several key summer infrastructure renovation projects, ensuring a smooth start to the 2023 fall semester, President Dong Hongchuan, Vice President Lu Bo, and Vice President Yan Gongjun conducted an inspection of the projects on the campus on the morning of August 28,2023.

Dong Hongchuan and the other two vice presidents visited the student dormitory on the western campus, Yuxianzhai cafeteria on the western campus, the student cafeteria and Yuxianzhai cafeteria on the Eastern campus.

During the visit, the leaders listened to progress, quality, and safety reports from the heads of the logistics and infrastructure management department as well as project leaders.

President Dong Hongchuan and the other two vice presidents provided on-site guidance and made specific instructions on completing the projects.

President Dong Hongchuan (middle) Inspects Yuxianzhai cafeteria on the Eastern campus